How-To: Care and Maintenance of your SBC
Read nowby Daniel Franklin (ameriDroid Customer Support Technician) Single Board Computers (SBCs) have a unique appearance, and all of that exposed circuitry and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) can be fun to look at. However, that exposed circuitry can make the...
How To: VoCore2 + VoDisplay as a standalone system
Read nowRecently, Vonger from vocore.cn released a software update for the VoCore2 that allows the VoDisplay to be used as a monitor for the VoCore2, as if it were a complete system. This could be a cool start to a neat...
How-To: VoDisplay + VoCam = Awesome
Read nowIf you follow this blog, you can probably tell that we've been enjoying playing with the VoDisplay lately. We're wanting to add the VoCam + VoDisplay as an auditing step in our shipping processes, so we're looking at a way...
How-To: Outputting Text to VoDisplay via USB
Read nowBecause the VoDisplay's driver, vodisp, can only display raw bitmap images at present, we cannot simply display text to it. However, with help from the tools we installed in the earlier article about the VoDisplay, we can make it happen....
How-To: 4.1 inch 800x480 USB2 Display - Capturing and displaying desktop
Read nowIntroduction The VoDisplay works best with a 24-bit BMP image. In order to capture your screen and display it on the VoDisplay, it is currently required to create an image in this format before displaying it. Installing Prerequisites These prerequisites...
New Product: 4.1 inch 800x480 USB2 Display for any system!
Read nowWe've been using this small, thin LCD display with surprisingly good resolution for a while, and we're pretty impressed with it. Presently, it is great for displaying stats and other data, especially for headless systems like the ODROID-HC1, HC2, MC1,...