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New Product: Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller

New Product: Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller

Welcome the newest member of the Teensy family with the Teensy 4.1! Here's how it compares to the Teensy 4.0: Feature Teensy 4.1 Teensy 4.0 Ethernet 10 / 100 MbitDP83825 PHY(6 pins) -none- USB Host 5 Pins withpower management 2...

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Good Read: March 2020 Issue of ODROID Magazine

Good Read: March 2020 Issue of ODROID Magazine

Note: The first link on each bullet point links to the article. The other links on each bullet point links to other resources on that topic on How to Install Emby on the ODROID-XU4 ODROID-XU4 Plex Media Server Installation...

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Good Read: January 2020 Issue of ODROID Magazine

Good Read: January 2020 Issue of ODROID Magazine

Note: The first link on each bullet point links to the article. The other links on each bullet point links to other resources on that topic on Building an ODROID GameStation Turbo (OGST) Case For Your ODROID-XU4 Retro ESP32:...

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SALE: New Lower Price on ODROID-GO

SALE: New Lower Price on ODROID-GO

The ODROID-GO is already one of the most affordable handheld retro gaming consoles on the market, and it's also great for microcontroller projects and hacking! Have you been wanting an ODROID-GO, but you've just been waiting for it to go...

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