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Customer Reviews: ODROID-HC1 and HC2

Customer Reviews: ODROID-HC1 and HC2

The reviews are in! The ODROID-HC1 and ODROID-HC2 are fan favorites with our customers for NAS storage and general server tasks! ODROID-HC1 ODROID-HC2 Now, the ODROID-HC4 is also available for those who want similar results with support for 2 drives!...

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How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

Using SBCs can be a budget friendly alternative to running small server applications in your home or business, that being said, the act of setting them up can get tedious if an HDMI cable needs to be shared between several boards. Luckily enough, most, if not all, Linux distributions open port 22 for secure shell connections, also known as SSH.
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Watch: Getting Started with the WiFi Module 5A

Watch: Getting Started with the WiFi Module 5A

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid Technician: The WiFi Module 5A is a FCC / CE certified IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN module with on-board 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz dual-band antenna that is designed for the ODROID series of single board computers, and is Android...

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How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid technician: Curious how to write an image (OS) to your eMMC module or microSD card for use with Single Board Computers? This video shows you how! eMMC and microSD cards at ameriDroid

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How-To: Tune USB and Ethernet Speed on ODROID-XU4

How-To: Tune USB and Ethernet Speed on ODROID-XU4

From It’s time for another small blog about the ODROID-XU4. This is just a quick tip to improve your network and USB performance even more. It will optimize your hardware interrupts (IRQ) affinity on your ODROID-XU4. This guide is for...

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