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Customer Review: Gamesir Controllers

Customer Review: Gamesir Controllers

We love hearing what our customers think of the products we sell. Here are a few reviews about our popular Gamesir Controllers: Vipin Kumar Gamesir Gamepad is Best Gamepad for Gaming !! Thank you for Sharing. Gorgeous Alexander T Hudspeth...

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Review: ODROID-N2 "So Good, I Got Two"

Review: ODROID-N2 "So Good, I Got Two"

Due to key component shortages, the next batch of ODROID-N2 units is expected to ship in the second half of July 2020. While you're waiting, check out these great reviews left by our customers:   So good, I got two...

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How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

Using SBCs can be a budget friendly alternative to running small server applications in your home or business, that being said, the act of setting them up can get tedious if an HDMI cable needs to be shared between several boards. Luckily enough, most, if not all, Linux distributions open port 22 for secure shell connections, also known as SSH.
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How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid technician: Curious how to write an image (OS) to your eMMC module or microSD card for use with Single Board Computers? This video shows you how! eMMC and microSD cards at ameriDroid

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SALE: Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2019 Deals

SALE: Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2019 Deals

We're giving every customer 5% off orders of $50 or more using code BFCM19 until December 3rd, 2019. You can also save 50% off of the following KKSB metal cases using code KKSB50OFF : Raspberry Pi Zero Rasbperry Pi 2B/3B...

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How-To: Use the Rock64 DAC Shield

How-To: Use the Rock64 DAC Shield

As powerful as some of our boards may be, there is always room for improvement. The audio outputs on the boards tends to be limited to HDMI or a headphone jack making it difficult to connect many audio devices, however, digital-to-analog converters (DAC) solves this. While we host DACs for Raspberry Pi and the ODROID C2, there is also the ROCK64 Stereo Audio DAC HiFi Shield.
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