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How-To: DIY Retrogaming Setup with RetroPie and ODROID-XU4

How-To: DIY Retrogaming Setup with RetroPie and ODROID-XU4


Among the easiest and most enjoyable do-it-yourself (DIY) projects is making a retro gaming machine. The Raspberry Pi is a popular device for creating a retro arcade with the likes of retro gaming operating systems (OSes) such as RetroPie. However, there’s a slew of Raspberry Pi alternatives including the Odroid XU4. Learn all about getting started with RetroPie on the Odroid XU4!

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Sher - September 3, 2020

So, I have a HDD full of roms, which came with a pre-built XU4 system I bought on ebay, the system is on an SD card, with all the roms on a USB connected hard disk stuck inside the casing – I didnt like the intercace, it appears to be recallbox – I installed theRA on another SD card, it starts up fine, and there are even some games on it – but, how do I get theRA to read games off the USB hard drive?

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