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How-To: ROCKPro64 Premium Aluminum Case Assembly

How-To: ROCKPro64 Premium Aluminum Case Assembly

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid Technician:

How to assemble your ROCKPro64 Premium Aluminum Case. This durable, stylish aluminum case for the ROCKPro64 features passive cooling to keep your SBC operating at it's peak potential!


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Bo - March 15, 2020

@C Fiddler: The Pine64 Forum is a great place to start if you have technical issues: – We also provide support via our Contact Us page. The ROCKPro64 is a very well designed piece of hardware with numerous OS distributions provided by the development community. Either you have a defective device, defective media, or there is some other unexplained issue with the downloading and writing process.

C Fiddler - March 15, 2020

Bought a rock pro pine 64 3 yrs ago, tried burning recommended drivers for it but could nothing works. Could I be wasting time with this much-overated thing?

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