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How-To: Run Rebol2 Scripting Language on Debian-Based ARM Systems

How-To: Run Rebol2 Scripting Language on Debian-Based ARM Systems

Recently, we had the need to run the Rebol/View scripting language (Rebol2) on a Debian-Based ARM single board computer (SBC). If you don't already have it, it can be obtained at

Here's a step-by-step of what we did to get it to run:

tar zxvf rebol-view-278-4-8.tar.gz
cd rebol-view
sudo apt update
sudo apt install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi

For error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory:

sudo apt install libxt6

For error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory:

sudo apt install libxaw7

On our test system, Rebol was able to be started at this point. If you encounter a problem starting it at this point, a reboot is probably required.

If your system is headless (not running a desktop), you may receive the following error:

REBOL: cannot open X11 window (XOpenDisplay failed)

** User Error: Bad face in screen pane!
** Near: size-text self

In this case, there are two options:

  • Install xvfb and xauth, and run your script like this:
    sudo apt install xvfb xauth
    xvfb-run ./rebol -cswq myscript.r2
  • Use the non-graphical version of Rebol2:
Have fun!
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