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Home Assistant Voice Bundle Deals!
Home Assistant Voice Bundle Deals!

Offload Piper and Whisper from your Home Assistant!

Setting Up Whisper and Piper with Docker on Windows/Linux

1. Install Docker on Windows/Linux

Download and install Docker Desktop from the official Docker website. This will allow you to run Docker containers on your Windows/Linux system, which is necessary for running Whisper and Piper.

2. Set Up Docker Containers for Whisper and Piper

Whisper (Speech-to-Text)

Use the rhasspy/wyoming-whisper Docker image. Here's how you can run it:

docker run -it -p 10300:10300 \
  -v C:\path\to\whisper-data:/data \
  rhasspy/wyoming-whisper \
  --model tiny-int8 --language en

Adjust C:\path\to\whisper-data to a directory on your Windows/Linux machine where Whisper can store its data.

Piper (Text-to-Speech)

Use the rhasspy/wyoming-piper Docker image. Here's how to run it:

docker run -it -p 10200:10200 \
  -v C:\path\to\piper-data:/data \
  rhasspy/wyoming-piper \
  --voice en_US-lessac-medium

Again, adjust C:\path\to\piper-data to where you want Piper's data stored. Ensure that you replace --language en and --voice en_US-lessac-medium with the appropriate settings for your language.

3. Configure Home Assistant

Add Wyoming Integration

Navigate in Home Assistant to Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration. Choose "Wyoming Protocol" from the list.

You'll need to enter the IP address of your Windows/Linux machine and the ports you exposed (10300 for Whisper and 10200 for Piper are the defaults).

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