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Review: Reinterpretation of the Mobile Workstation

Review: Reinterpretation of the Mobile Workstation

From Pieterjan Montens on Medium:

I wanted [...] a deconstructed “mobile” ARM-based workstation where I could choose all the parts, without solder or duct-tape, just off-the-shelf components. It would be power-efficient. It would adapt to the places I’ll be working at (using screens if available, power, etc. ), so I’d just need to take the components I’d need for my journey. It would be low-budget.

[...] Choosing an ARM-based computing unit, powerful enough to “work” with (decent computing and graphics capabilities) and with a robust storage medium (ie: not microSD) was a bit more difficult: I already had plenty of experience on Raspberry Pi’s (this was before the 4 came out, more on that below) for home projects and monitoring solutions, but knew it would be lacking as a day-to-day work platform. After a small comparison of available alternatives, I went with the Odroid N2 4GB, mostly because of the robust eMMC storage.

Read more about Pieterjan Montens' experience here.

Previous article ODROID-M1S: A New Standard in Embedded Systems


douglas - November 1, 2019

Excellent article. On the Raspberry Pi side, you could use a USB3.0 to NVMe/SATA SSD for speed, but you would still have to boot vmlinuz off of the microSD.
Another thing that would level the playing field would be cases like this:
I wish you guys had these so I could purchase them from you.
All that said, I love my Odroid N2. We watched a movie on it last night (with Odroid ubuntu build and VideoLan player. It worked excellent, and weren’t annoyed with fan noise like on the XU4.

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