This shield is perfect for building stand-alone projects with an inexpensive user interface. The 2 buttons allow basic control. The 7 LEDs can be used for a variety of functions, such as a level meter for system resources.
The 6 pin header is compatible with the Weather Board.
This shield is compatible with the ODROID-XU4 / XU3 / XU3-Lite when using the XU4 Shifter Shield.
The example code and library can be found in the Wiki and Github repo.
Stacks on the ODROID-C Series GPIO header (also compatible with Banana Series, Raspberry Pi and XU3/XU4 with XU4 Shifter Shield)
Blue and white 16x2 character LCD
(7x) blue LEDs
(2x) tactile switches
(4x) 6pin IO ports
Rubber bumper on bottom side helps keep the board parallel with the host