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RTC Shield for C2 / C4

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Real Time Clock Shield for the ODROID-C2 and C4

Attach this RTC Shield to the GPIO header on the ODROID-C2 or C4 to keep time when the C2/C4 is offline. The Lithium coin battery can keep the RTC chip running for 3 to 4 years.

Compatible with the official ODROID-C2 and C4 cases and many other cases.


  • CR2032 coin cell, replaceable
  • Dimensions: 20 x 20 x 13.5 mm


  • Linux: Add the PCF7563 RTC driver
  • Android: Update the OS to release 1.4 or newer


Warranty is valid for two weeks, starting upon date of receipt.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Worthy addition but may not fit your case.

I'm not getting any use out of mine but it's not to be blamed on the RTC shield or the C2 boards. This item does exactly what it is meant to do and fits on your C2 perfectly. Unfortunately this shield does not fit in either the Cogent Design or Wicked Aluminum cases for the C2. Every C2 SBC I own is inside one or the other above mentioned aluminum cases. Neither maker thought to make room for the battery shield in the case. I'd like to use it but I'm left with a choice of having the battery or having my boards in aluminum heat-sink cases. Given my options I leave the battery shield off. There isn't a very wide choice for aluminum heat-sink cases for the C2 to be found. It's a shame the battery shield won't fit inside the ones I have.

Thanks for your review, Billy! We aren't familiar with the exact size of the cases you mentioned, but would it be possible to move the RTC Shield to another location inside the case using M-F breadboard wires? Something like this:
