ROCK5 Model B
USB 3.0 eMMC Reader/Writer
HardkernelFEATURES High speed USB3.0 Write speed up to 150MB/s Dual mount for eMMC module Support eMMC HS400 mode Support ROCK PI eMMC modules up to 128GB C...
View full detailsUSB 3.0 eMMC Module Writer 2
Hardkernel5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
This writer does not work with the Hardkernel eMMC Black Modules, but works fine with other eMMC modules. Easier and faster way to flash your OS im...
View full detailseMMC Module N2 Linux (Red Dot)
Hardkernel5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Don't Forget Your eMMC Reader! This eMMC comes preinstalled with an OS. However, if you wish to back up this eMMC to your computer or write a new ...
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