News: NASA Communication Satellite Challenge
NASA has created a challenge where you can put your skills to the test. If you are a college student make sure to check out our wide collection of controllers that you can use to create a balloon communication system for this challenge.
FLOATing DRAGON Balloon Challenge
The FLOATing DRAGON (Formulate, Lift, Observe, and Testing: Data Recovery and Guided On-board Node) Balloon Challenge asks collegiate students to develop a concept and preliminary prototype for a system capable of delivering a data vault to the ground in a guided, safe manner. Four teams will be awarded $5,000 each to build their data recovery prototypes and conduct a test drop of their system in New Mexico in August 2023. The winning team may have an opportunity to integrate their system into official NASA development.
Open Date: April 6, 2022
Close Date:
- NOI Deadline: September 15, 2022
- Proposal Deadline: October 20, 2022
Check the competition guidelines here.
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