Customer Reviews: ODROID-HC1 and HC2

Now, the ODROID-HC4 is also available for those who want similar results with support for 2 drives!
Pro Tip: Use the microSD card as the bootloader only, and store the OS and data on the hard drive instead of the microSD card as microSD cards are more likely to fail after extended use. High Endurance microSD cards are also recommended.
Good combination of features for the price
This was purchased to replace a failing semi-proprietary owncloud box, and I have to say it's been wonderful. The real Ethernet port (not USB-Ethernet) and a real, onboard SATA port means this thing has been relatively snappy (Nextcloud is a resource heavy package) and is capable of serving the cloud system, a Gnu Social instance, and some internal webpages over both clear and TOR to my small organization.
I like it so much I've decided to consolidate a C2 running media server software and a Pi running chat and email servers down to another one of these units.
Works with Home Assistant for Home Automation
I have been running an HC1 with a 500GB SATA SSD for several months using the Home Assistant HassOS Beta and it has been rock solid. Much more reliable than a Raspberry Pi 3+ and significantly better performance. Make sure to get at least a 5A power supply as I had issues with the 4A.
I'm using this as a NAS and Plex server. Installed a 2.5inch HDD with DietPi which makes installing software easy. The HC1 works great as both file and Movies/Music server. With the Gigabit Ethernet port you get fast speeds over your Network.
Very reliable NAS and server
I'm using an HC1 as a NAS and server using Samba/CIFS, lighttpd (web server), MySQL, and other related server tasks running Debian Jessie 8.11. I have a Hitachi 500GB 2.5" HDD that I had laying around connected to it. The only thing I can recommend is to make sure to get the 6A power supply as I started having problems with the 4A power supply when the system was under load. At first, I thought the problem was the Hitachi, and then the HC1, but it just boiled down to pushing the power supply farther than it was designed to go.
Buen producto
El producto muy bueno para remplazar mi U3 llego rapido y usando un Pbox tardo unos 3 dias llegar a mi casa en Guatemala, no se preocupen cumplen con todo, llevo unos 21 dias usandolo y me encanta, tengo plex, torret, jdowlander, y funciona de maravilla, la temperatura se eleva un poco comparado al U3 pero lo soluciones con un arduino y un ventilador y un scrip que lo automatiza, se los recomiendo 10 estrellas
Translation: This very good product I purchased to replace my ODROID-U3 arrived quickly and using a Pbox it took about 3 days to get to my house in Guatemala, don't worry, they comply with everything, I have been using it for about 21 days and I love it, I have plex, torrent, jdownloader, and it works great, the temperature rises a bit compared to the U3 but you can solve it with an arduino and a fan and a script that automates it, I recommend them 10 stars.
Tnx to AmeriDroid
Excellent product and perfect parcel condition
The delivery was very long ( international delivery ) , but I was pleasantly surprised by the "Thank you for your purchase" in my native language , written inside the parsel :)
Tnx to AmeriDroid
Great NAS
My server PC died recently so I decided to replace it with this. After installing OMV4 and a 3TB drive I had my Plex server back up and streaming 1080 video in no time. After figuring out I needed "armhf" docker containers I had this thing running my entire server without a problem. Currently have NZBget, Sonarr, Pi-Hole, Radarr, and Plex Media Server running. Side note I don't use Plex to stream outside of my home.
Packs a punch!
Got two of these. One serves as a NAS (6 GB WD red) with samba (105MB/s sustained to windows and linux clients), syncthing etc. and runs a weather station, pi-hole and manages a surveillance feed. All up and running, cpu is barely used. The second one serves as an incremental backup server with automatic upload of changes to the cloud. Server-side encryption is no issue either. Both idle around 3 W (after setting the scheduler to 'ondemand') and peak load is ~13W, though most of that is from the WD red. Both systems are rock-solid!
All in all, performance-wise way better than a much more expensive synology box. And it's fully open (a big plus over the synology). Very impressive for the size and price!
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