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Home Assistant Voice Bundle Deals!
Home Assistant Voice Bundle Deals!
Educational Home Assistant Bundle Now Available!

Educational Home Assistant Bundle Now Available!

We have invested many, many hours on the development of each instruction guide for each of our kits! These guides walk you through everything you need to know to get started with your kit -- in this case, Home Assistant.

Home Assistant is like a Swiss Army knife for home automation. You can combine products from most manufacturers (even defunct ones) using different protocols and technologies and have them all work together as one cohesive platform!

Home Assistant is becoming more and more popular everyday. For that reason we not only created an instruction guide, but we added new variants:

These kits are perfect if you want to learn about the system covered by the guide, if you are new to SBC systems, or if you want to introduce someone else to them. We strive to keep our instruction guides easy enough for an average 5th grader, but we are always open for any feedback! Please leave any comments in this blog or use our Contact Form.

Along with Home-Assistant we have a full line of Shelly Home Automation products, fully compatible with the Home Assistant Software.

Review: Shelly Cloud - Affordable home automation based on WiFi

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