Good Read: December 2019 Issue of ODROID Magazine
Regular ameriBlog readers may notice that some of these articles seem like they are repeats of articles they have already read here on the ameriBlog. That's due to a renewed collaboration between ameriDroid and ODROID Magazine where we submit articles from our blog for their consideration.
- Cryptocurrency Mining: Earning Verium Coins With Your ODROID
- Protect Your Privacy: Why You Should Probably Make Your Own Home Automation Devices
- Mobile Workstation: Using An ODROID-N2 To Create A Full-Featured Computing Experience
- KVM: Fun with virtualization on the ODROID-H2
- The G Spot: Your go-to destination for all things that are Android Gaming
- Building An ODROID-H2 BladeCenter: Create A Micro-footprint High Performance Computing Station with the ODROID-H2
- Surviving A Power Outage: Operating e-Commerce Business During Regional Power Outage using SBCs
- Repairing Your ODROID-N2: How To Recover From An Accidental ODROID-N2 Short Circuit
- Creating a Vision Application In Low Power Situations: Using OpenVino and OpenCV With The ODROID-C2
- How-To Set Up A Basic NAS: Using Samba To Share Files
Online Link: https://magazine.odroid.com/issue/201912/
PDF Link: https://magazine.odroid.com/wp-content/uploads/ODROID-Magazine-201912.pdf
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