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Home Assistant Voice Bundle Deals!
Holiday Gift from ameriDroid: Mini Gingerbread House Cookie Cutter!

Holiday Gift from ameriDroid: Mini Gingerbread House Cookie Cutter!

Some of our employees mentioned they had seen these mini gingerbread houses pop up online recently. We decided to make our own mini gingerbread cookie cutter so they (and you too!) could build mini gingerbread houses. Use your favorite gingerbread recipe, royal frosting recipe, and candy decorations to get into the gingerbread house construction business.

Hint: Our team puts the royal frosting in Ziploc bags with the tip of one corner cut off - this allows you to squeeze the royal frosting out exactly where you need it!

These are great for the edge of steaming hot beverage mugs at Christmas, New Year's, or just winter in general!

Our staff made dozens of these and added them to the Christmas goodie baskets they delivered to friends and neighbors.

We love to generate 3D files procedurally, so we designed this in OpenSCAD, a free cross-platform 3D programming tool. Find the STL file ready to import into your 3D slicing program, and the OpenSCAD file in case you want to make your own modifications!




Send us pictures of your mini gingerbread house creations - we'd love to see them!



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