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How To: WebGL on Chromium Browser with H/W-Accelerated GPU on SBCs

How To: WebGL on Chromium Browser with H/W-Accelerated GPU on SBCs

LinuxFactory on YouTube just published a video on how to enable Chromium Browser to use the GPU for WebGL on the ODROID-N2+. The same method should work for any other SBC running Linux kernel 5.11 with ARM Mali Panfrost Driver (Wayland), like the ODROID-C4 and ODROID-HC4.

From LinuxFactory:

Chromium Browser has been installed to Ubuntu 21.04 on ODROID-N2+ and we will see how it well performs with H/W accelerated GPU on top of Gnome Desktop on Ubuntu 21.04. The H/W accelerated GPU is running over ARM Mali Panfrost driver on Linux kernel 5.11. The same commands and flag set up can be applied to ODROID-C4/HC4 if Ubuntu 21.04 with Linux kernel 5.11 is installed.

00:05 Installing Chromium Browser package
01:50 First WebGL Aquarium test
02:40 Force the GPU acceleration flags on Chromium Browser to support GPU rasterization
04:35 Add Chromium Browser command line flags
06:48 Enable "In-process GPU" flag
08:50 Yet another WebGL test with "Dynamic Cubemap"

Installation commands:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E6A17451DC058F40
$ sudo add-apt-repository -S deb groovy main
$ sudo apt install chromium-browser chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra

Special thanks to:
Alyssa Rosenzweig - Panfrost developer,
Saikrishna Arcot - Chromium browser Ubuntu package,

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