
How-To: Filesharing Between Linux Machines Using NFS

How-To: Filesharing Between Linux Machines Using NFS

If your experience is anything like mine, you have no issues connecting a Windows client to a Linux fileserver via Samba / CIFS. But you've run into a number of...

How-To: Filesharing Between Linux Machines Using NFS

If your experience is anything like mine, you have no issues connecting a Windows client to a Linux fileserver via Samba / CIFS. But you've run into a number of...

Customer Review: Gamesir Controllers

Customer Review: Gamesir Controllers

We love hearing what our customers think of the products we sell. Here are a few reviews about our popular Gamesir Controllers: Vipin Kumar Gamesir Gamepad is Best Gamepad for...

Customer Review: Gamesir Controllers

We love hearing what our customers think of the products we sell. Here are a few reviews about our popular Gamesir Controllers: Vipin Kumar Gamesir Gamepad is Best Gamepad for...

Project: How-To Play Doom on a Giant Screen Using Your Body as the Controller

Project: How-To Play Doom on a Giant Screen Using Your Body as the Controller

Are you a fan of Doom? Are you tired of playing it on a computer (or basically anything with a screen?) Look no further! Our pals over at have...

Project: How-To Play Doom on a Giant Screen Using Your Body as the Controller

Are you a fan of Doom? Are you tired of playing it on a computer (or basically anything with a screen?) Look no further! Our pals over at have...

How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

Using SBCs can be a budget friendly alternative to running small server applications in your home or business, that being said, the act of setting them up can get tedious...

How to remotely connect to your SBC with Secure Shell

Using SBCs can be a budget friendly alternative to running small server applications in your home or business, that being said, the act of setting them up can get tedious...

How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid technician: Curious how to write an image (OS) to your eMMC module or microSD card for use with Single Board Computers? This video shows you how!...


How-To: eMMC and microSD Card Writing

By Duncan Cline, ameriDroid technician: Curious how to write an image (OS) to your eMMC module or microSD card for use with Single Board Computers? This video shows you how!...

How-To: Run x86 Linux Applications on ARM Linux with Box86

How-To: Run x86 Linux Applications on ARM Linux with Box86

From box86's github: Box86 will let you run x86 Linux programs (games) on non-x86 Linux, like ARM (needs to be 32bit little-endian). Also, Box86 uses the native version for some...

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How-To: Run x86 Linux Applications on ARM Linux with Box86

From box86's github: Box86 will let you run x86 Linux programs (games) on non-x86 Linux, like ARM (needs to be 32bit little-endian). Also, Box86 uses the native version for some...

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