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Upcoming Product: SORock and SOEdge Modules From Pine Microsystems

Upcoming Product: SORock and SOEdge Modules From Pine Microsystems

According to a presentation provided by PINE64 to AOSC and made public, Pine Microsystems is planning to release two new modules to run on the PINE64 Clusterboard:

  • SORock - Based presumably off the ROCKPro64, but possibly the ROCK64. Assumed that it will work on the existing Clusterboard.
  • SOEdge - AI Neural module for Artificial Intelligence tasks, with a potential performance of 3 TeraFLOPS.

The Clusterboard is already an extremely valuable tool for cluster computing development, and is set to become even more valuable in the near future!

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Bo - May 28, 2020

Thanks for asking! The SORock module in testing was shown to produce a lot of heat. It has been put on hold until appropriate heat dissipation strategies and additional testing can be performed. The most recent information about the SOEdge module from Pine64 is this: “As for the production and availability of the […] SOEdge AI module announced at this year’s FOSDEM – we already accounted for the disruption caused by the pandemic. We also purposefully provided approximate availability dates as it is literally impossible to predict how the situation will unfold. Regardless, the tentative availability dates of April/May 2020 are unaltered at this time.” Seeing as how it is the end of May 2020 as I write this, we’re probably not going to be seeing this in the timeframe they expected. Hopefully soon!

Dave1965 - May 28, 2020

“Presumably” and “assumed” are both very vague. Has any of this become more certain in the past ten months?

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