New version of armbian: Armbian 22.05
Armbian is a Linux distribution designed for ARM development boards. It is usually based on one of the stable or development versions of Debian or Ubuntu and it supports a wide variety of popular ARM-based devices, including Banana Pi, ODROID, Pine64 and others.
- Thousands of hours have been invested to stabilize supported board images
- Hundreds of Linux kernel and user space related bug fixes completed by the Armbian team
- Added support for new boards
- Established new Maintainers
What’s New:
Our first priority is to support and enhance the Community. To that goal, Armbian releases updates and bug fixes from our Contributors on a regular basis. We are excited to add support for the following new boards:
- DevTerm A06
- Orange Pi R1+ LTS
- Radxa Rock 3A
- Radxa Zero
And to announce new Maintainers and movement to supported status the following boards:
- Radxa Rock Pi 4
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