Learn how to set up remote access to your OpenMediaVault NAS!Read now
Update: YouTube 2FA Sign-In Bug on Chromium Fixed on XU4/Ubuntu18.04
Read nowThe most recent update for Chromium on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS on the 4.14.73-149 kernel on the XU4 fixed an annoying bug for those of us who use YouTube with 2-factor authentication on the XU4. Although the update stated it was...
How-To: VoDisplay + VoCam = Awesome
Read nowIf you follow this blog, you can probably tell that we've been enjoying playing with the VoDisplay lately. We're wanting to add the VoCam + VoDisplay as an auditing step in our shipping processes, so we're looking at a way...
How-To: Outputting Text to VoDisplay via USB
Read nowBecause the VoDisplay's driver, vodisp, can only display raw bitmap images at present, we cannot simply display text to it. However, with help from the tools we installed in the earlier article about the VoDisplay, we can make it happen....
How-To: 4.1 inch 800x480 USB2 Display - Capturing and displaying desktop
Read nowIntroduction The VoDisplay works best with a 24-bit BMP image. In order to capture your screen and display it on the VoDisplay, it is currently required to create an image in this format before displaying it. Installing Prerequisites These prerequisites...
Thinking Outside the Box - Part 3 of 3
Read nowReal-World Server Applications for SBCs Two of the most important applications for servers are not really tasks at all--they’re uptime and data redundancy. Here’s where SBCs can come to the rescue. While we have multiple heavy-duty Intel servers in...
Thinking Outside the Box - Part 2 of 3
Read nowIdeas for Leveraging SBCs in Your Workstation Setup (and other areas of your life) SBCs are a great tool for computing tasks that need to be running all the time. As SBCs have a very low power overhead, they...
Thinking Outside the Box - Part 1 of 3
Read nowMaking Single Board Computers Work for You in Any Workflow Maybe you’re like me. One of the old-school computer tinkerers that started on 8-bit machines back around 1980 when home computers were just hitting the scene. A time when...
Good Read: August Issue of ODROID Magazine
Check out the latest projects, how-tos and guides in the August issue of ODROID Magazine!Read now