Using SBCs can be a budget friendly alternative to running small server applications in your home or business, that being said, the act of setting them up can get tedious if an HDMI cable needs to be shared between several boards. Luckily enough, most, if not all, Linux distributions open port 22 for secure shell connections, also known as SSH.Read now
Project: Modding Full Tower Case to Supply Power to SBC Cluster
Read nowBy Bo Lechnowsky, President of ameriDroid.com: If you haven't seen Part 1 first, click here. We use a lot of SBCs here at ameriDroid. This video shows us modifying an old full tower case to supply power to a wide...
Project: Turn an Old Computer Tower Into an SBC Cluster/Server Rack - Disassembly and Prep
Read nowBy Bo Lechnowsky, President of ameriDroid.com: We use a lot of SBCs at ameriDroid. Here are a small selection of previous blog articles to give an idea of what we are doing with them: How-To: Fix OS Partition with Zero...
Privacy: Why You Should Probably Make Your Own Home Automation Devices
Read nowBy Bo Lechnowsky, President of ameriDroid.com With all of the hacks, vulnerabilities, data leaks and other disheartening news surrounding cloud services, cloud products, and big data companies, you may want to consider putting in the effort to create your own...
News: NET 60 Terms Up To $100K Now Available for ameriDroid Customers
Read nowRead All About It! Are you a company that needs product, but desires the flexibility that NET 60 terms offers? Are you a maker-run business that needs to ramp up production, but could use a 60 day buffer to get...
How-To: Provide Stable DC Voltage From Higher Voltage Source
Read nowHave you ever wanted to add a 5V device to your car, like a single board computer? Most cars run a 12V power system and would cause damage to a 5V device. Or have you wanted to control a device...
Watch: PiJuice Solar Panels - Great For Charging Your Phone (or Running Your SBC Off-The-Grid)
Read nowSolar panels are a great solution if you want to provide a renewable method of powering your single board computer off-the-grid, or simply provide a way to charge your smartphone! 10% off all PiJuice products until Tuesday, September 3, 2019...
Watch: Bo From ameriDroid.com on Category5.tv
Read nowBo Lechnowsky, ameriDroid's founder, was invited to participate in episode 616 of Category5.tv to discuss single board computers in the enterprise datacenter and server room. Watch the full episode below!
How-To: Address Linux-Based SBCs By Hostname Over Network
Read nowOne of the little annoyances of addressing Linux-based SBCs (and even Linux-based desktop and laptop systems) is getting their host names to respond over the network. Thanks to a pointer in Daniel Lemire's blog, there is a simple way to...