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PINE64: A Community That Develops Single-Board Computers

PINE64: A Community That Develops Single-Board Computers

PINE64 began as a Kickstarter launched on Dec 9, 2015. Even though this was considered a bad time to launch a Kickstarter (due to Christmas, New Years, and the CES show), the 45-day-long Kickstarter brought in $1.7 million in support from close to 37,000 backers.

π + e = PINE + 64 (64-bit processor) = PINE64

PINE64 was set up as a community of developers and users to define the direction of the technology with three defining financial principles from the onset and into the future:

  1. No venture capital funding
  2. No debt
  3. No stock IPO

PINE64 has zero employees. All development comes from contractors or contributors.

PINE64 is not a product development company. It is a community that develops products.

PINE64's first SBC was the PINE A64 in 2016. The current lineup includes the PINE A64, PINE A64 LTS, ROCK64, ROCKPro64, PINE H64-B, SOPine, and Clusterboard plus many accessories.

Exciting upcoming products include the Pinebook Pro, Pinephone, PineTab, PineCUBE, SORock, and SOEdge.

An interesting bit of trivia is that almost all of PINE64's web presence runs off of a cluster of ROCKPro64 SBCs!

PINE64 is a very active community that is eager to help each other out.

Previous article MangoPi MQ-Quad: A Game-Changer in Single Board Computing

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